Explore the fascinating world of solar energy. Understand and build your own solar powered circuits and learn how to convert light energy into electrical energy. Use Cells singular or combined to create light, sound and motion. Clearly observe your results on the supplied Digital Multimeter. Each colourful module is safe, robust and clearly shows its component name and electrical symbol. Connections are made quick and securely enabling all children to easily create series or parallel circuits with the supplied stackable leads. All components are strong and securely fixed and have been specifically designed with safety in mind with each sealed module complete with non-slip rubber feet. Ideal for KS1 and KS2. Pack contains: 2 x Solar Cell modules (3.0V 100mA each)Digital MultimeterMotor moduleBuzzer moduleWhite L.E.D moduleSwitch moduleConnecting leads2 x Crocodile adaptor clips for Conductors & insulators experimentsIn-depth Resources CD-ROM with Teaching Guide & printable resourcesSupplied in transparent storage tray & lid for easy classroom management